Friday, June 12, 2009

KJT Minutes for 3.8.2008

KJT Minutes 3.8.2009Society #126

Call to order at 1:13 PM in the Family room of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in New Braunfels, Texas. The meeting was attended by 9 senior members, 1 junior member and 2 guests - Lillian Fikac and Fr. Tony Pesek.

President Darrell Havel opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Report
There was a notation that $343 was the amount made from the Santa photo shoot. This amount was based on last year's audit. The motion to approve was made by Ray Martini and was seconded by Mary Tymrak. The motion carried.

Treasurer Report
The ending balance for Society #126 was $807.66. Frank Havel has donated paper plates and plastic cutlery along with $38 to fund meals for last year. The motion to approve the report was made by Mary Tymrak and was seconded by Denise Cook. The motion carried. Frank Havel reminds us that dues went up in 2008.

President Report

Old Business - none

New Business

Informational dinner chosen as 6.14.2009.

Youth activity - swimming or movie for Casey Cook and Mathew Netardus and will be addressed by the parents.

Flag day - Darrell Havel will bring flags.

State family day is June 28th.

New Member - Elaine Babula

Darrell Havel gave check to Father Pesek of $400 for church. We gave $100 to religious retirement.

Glen Cook moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Mary Tymrak.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

KJT Society Donation Letter

KJT Society #126
New Braunfels, Texas

January 12, 2009

Msgr. Tony Pesek
St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic Church
386 N. Castell Avenue
New Braunfels, Texas 78130

Dear Msgr. Pesek,
The Catholic Union of Texas, The KJT, was founded as a Catholic organization dedicated to the support of the Catholic faith. In keeping with that philosophy, Society #126 of New Braunfels has elected to make a contribution to the Building Foundation of St. Peter & St. Paul parish.
Please find enclosed a check in the amount of $400.00 as a donation.
As President of Society #126, I speak for our entire membership in wishing the parish success in its efforts regarding the Building Foundation.
I also take this opportunity to thank the parish for its support of Society #126 over the years by extending us the use of meeting rooms and the opportunity to hold fundraising activities.

Darrell F. Havel
KJT Society #126

KJT Minutes for 12.14.2008

KJT Minutes 12.14.2008Society #126

Call to order at 1:00 PM in the Family room of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in New Braunfels, Texas. The meeting was attended by 8 senior members and 2 guests - Henry Netardus, SR and Fr. Tony Pesek.

President Darrell Havel opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Havel asked to dispense with the rules - Glen Cook moved to approve and Henry Netardus, JR seconded. The motion carried.

Secretary Report
Glen Cook read the minutes of the September 14, 2008 meeting. The motion to approve was made by Henry Netardus, Jr and was seconded by Bernice Martini. The motion carried.

Treasurer Report
The report was given by President Darrell Havel. The ending balance for Society #126 was $1307.35 on 12.14.2008.

The motion to approve the report was made by Bernice Martini and was seconded by Mary Tymrak. The motion carried.

President Report

President Havel got a letter from Mary Jane Oltman to fill out the annual report. It is due on Jan 31st.

Chris Urban wrote a letter to provide money for Ike relief and President Havel declined our contribution.

President Havel wishes us all a very Merry Christmas.

Father Tony wished our society a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Henry Netardus Sr. wished our society a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He read the board meeting letter that mentioned minimizing travel for representatives. The request for new ideas for the district meeting got 1 response.

President Havel mentioned that the district meeting was a business meeting and was not disappointed in the outcome of the meeting.

Old Business

Christmas fundraiser - We estimate we would net about $270. Everyone thought is was good experience. Thank you to Henry Jr., Karyn, Ray, and Bernice. Henry Jr. thought it went well and we will begin planning the next one in the June meeting.

New Business

Disbursements to Church, School, and/or Retirement Fund - Bernice suggested we give more to the church building fund. Denise suggested we determine a % to give to the state fundraiser so Darrell could act on it without the society approval. There was a motion to give $400 to the building fund and $100 to the religious retirement fund. Glen Cook made the motion and Mary Tymrak seconded. The motion carried.

Elections - President Darrell Havel - Vice President Henry Netardus, JR. - Secretary Glen Cook - Treasurer Frank Havel

Audit Committee - Ray and Bernice Martini and Mary and Wesley Tymrak. Audit Meeting 1.10.2009.

Meetings for 2009 3.8.2009 - 6.14.2009 - 9.13.2009 - 12.13.2009. We would do the Santa pictures on the first weekend in December.

We appreciate the service Henry Netardus, SR has done for KJT.

Glen Cook moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Henry Netardus, JR.

Friday, November 28, 2008

KJT Minutes 9.14.2008

KJT Minutes 9.14.2008Society #126

Call to order at 1:12 PM in the Family room of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in New Braunfels, Texas. The meeting was attended by 11 senior members and 2 guests - Lillian Fikac and Elanie Babula.

President Darrel Havel opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Report
Glen Cook provided the minutes of the May 5, 2008 meeting. A change to the minutes for expensive to say inexpensive was corrected in the minutes. The motion to approve was made by Ray Martini and was seconded by Denise Cook. The motion carried.

Treasurer Report
The report was given by Treasurer Frank Havel. The ending balance for Society #126 was $967.10 on 9.14.2008.

The motion to approve the report was made by Glen Cook and was seconded by Henry Netardus. The motion carried.

President Report

President Havel did not add a representative to the meeting but this meeting still counted a the informational dinner. One quarter of the meal will be paid for by the home office.

Mary Tymrak asked about dues and if she need to pay. It was decided that the dues are paid out of the dividends on the accounts.

School grant - Darrell notified the school about the grant availability. Darrell will remind the principal again.

Fundraiser - Takes place Sun December 7th from 8:30 AM until after the last morning mass. Room must be cold. Denise said she would check with Bill Smith about the chair. Vice President Henry Netardus will follow up with Rusty about the room. Ray Martini suggested getting the event into the bulletin. Bernice Martini asked for advertisements on Santa pictures. Henry N will use his equipment. Ray and Bernice will take money and Ray will get change. Fundraiser for KJT Society Charities should be on the poster. One photo for $7. Make checks to KJT. Denise and Glen will get the candy canes. 100 expected. Prepare for 200 photos. Only have one printer - Darrell may get another one. Meet the week before Dec 7th at the Martini's - Wednesday December 3rd.

Christmas Party - Meal and Children's gift.

Wine Auction - Darrell paid $10 for red and Ray paid $5 for the white.

Junell Havel moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Glen Cook.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

KJT Minutes 5.4.2008

KJT Minutes 5.4.2008Society #126

Call to order at 1:10 PM in the Family room of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in New Braunfels, Texas. The meeting was attended by 10 senior members, 1 junior member, and 2 guests - State Director, Henry Netardus and Florence Netardus.

President Darrel Havel opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Report
Glen Cook provided the minutes of the January 27, 2008 meeting. The motion to approve was made by Glen Cook and was seconded my Junell Havel. The motion carried.

President Report
Elo Goering has resigned and our society appreciates his efforts over the years.

Aug 10 meeting has been moved to Aug 17th and will be here at Sts. Peter and Paul.

We congratuate Chris Urban on his promotion.

Fundraiser discussion - Everyone liked the Santa idea. Vice-President Henry Netardus will work with with Father Tony and Bernice Martini on project. Tenative date in family room is December 7th.

Frank Havel identified we have less income. Proposed we raise the dues $1.20 per year. MOtion to approve was made by Ray Martini and Glen Cook seconded. Motion carried.

Alex Cook was involved in Relay for life.

New website introduced

The society wished Denise Cook well during her recovery.

Melissa Motula and Jill Motula received their 25 year pins.

Personal invite to State Director Henry Netardus allows us to get 5% refund from the society.

Treasurer Report
The report was given by Treasurer Frank Havel. The ending balance for Society #126 was $912.91 on 5.4.2008.

The motion to approve the report was made by Glen Cook and was seconded by Ray Martini. The motion carried.

Miscellaneous Notes - State Director Henry Netardus
State Director Henry Netardus read a letter about Elo Goering resignation.

District Meeting and Family Day will be hosted by District 11 in Hobson. There will be a monetary prize offered for for youth that attend. No fishing.

There is a board meeting in February. Directors were asked to ask us what we could do to save money. It was suggested we go every other month - quarterly would be more inexpensive. We approved every other month.

State Family Day is August 10th and it is the begining of youth camp.

The society can apply for CCD and Catholic school grants if you apply for one at one of the three levels. Parents can apply for $100 scholarship.

Kevin Kana appointed State Treasurer.

Henry N. gave $947 from the district to the Archbishop for the relegious retirement fund.

Miscellaneous Notes
Mike Vajdos called President Havel about Districit Family day but never called him back.

Frank and Junell are donating $15 to the society.

David Wagner sent a letter to indoctrinate Frank Havel on new things in KJT.

Frank Havel wrote and article that was in the KJT paper.

Bernice Martini moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Glen Cook.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

KJT Minutes 1.27.2008

KJT Minutes 1.27.2008
Society #126

Call to order at 1:10 PM in the Family room of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in New Braunfels, Texas. The meeting was attended by 10 senior members, 1 junior member, and a guest - State Director, Henry Netardus.

President Darrel Havel opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Report
Denise Cook read the minutes of the December 9, 2007 meeting. The motion to approve was made by Glen Cook and was seconded my Mary Tymrak. The motion carried.

Treasurer Report
The report was given by Treasurer Frank Havel. Statewide the KJT collected $30,123 for priests. The ending balance for Society #126 was $917.81 on 12.31.2007.

The motion to approve the report was made by Denise Cook and was seconded by Ray Martini. The motion carried.

Miscellaneous Notes
President Havel asked State KJT President Elo Goerig about the "put up or shut up" comment. President Goering replied, "I don't recall". Open issue closed.

Referendum Notes
President Havel sent President Goering e-mails asking about the referendum procedures.The procedures follow election by-laws for officers. President Havel wants different rules. President Goering stated we are going to use elections rules. A separate company will be formed to sell auto, fire, etc. that the organization cannot sell since they are not fraternal.

Old Business
Alex Cook asked for a home office handout to give to the high school youth group. He was directed to the KJT website.

New Business
Meeting Dates were determined - these may change if we determine there is a conflict.
April 13, 2008
August 10, 2008 (Informational Dinner)
December 14, 2008
We will meet in the Family Room at Sts. Peter and Paul unless otherwise indicated.

Service hours sheet was passed around.

Referendum Issue - There was an overall discussion on remaining a Catholic Union. The by-laws allow directors to call a special referendum that must pass by 2/3.
In our society the referendum passed 11 to 2 - Bernice Martini sent in the form.

Fundraiser - Bake sale was discussed as too hard. Everyone liked the Santa picture idea.

State Director Netardus indicated we needed to do the Informational Dinner before October 31st, 2008. He was officially invited to our meeting on April 13, 2008.

Junell Havel moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Ray Martini.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

2008 Calendar

All meetings will be held at the Sts. Peter and Paul family room unless otherwise noted.

April 17, 2008
August 10, 2008
December 14, 2008